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Tie Breaking
Under 10
U10 Boys
Bedford Eagles - Bundy
Dartmouth Lakers - MacEachern
Halifax Hurricanes - Casey
Halifax Hurricanes - Winaut
Prospect Bulls - Powell
West End Steelers - Allen
Bedford Eagles - McPherson
East Preston Pacers - JColley
East Preston Pacers - EColley
Fall River Rebels - Sigut
Mainland Express - MacDonald
Sackville Storm - Smith
Sackville Storm - Waye
East Hants Tigers - Ouellette
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Moore
Cole Harbour Rockets - Lawrence
Dartmouth Celtics - Farwell
East Preston Pacers - Parent
West End Steelers - MacKenzie
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Gibson Saab
Cole Harbour Rockets - Parker
Cole Harbour Rockets - Hanrahan
Fall River Rebels - Pearson
Halifax Hurricanes - MacNamara
Norwood Knights - Newton
Prospect Bulls - Babin
Shooting Star - Bustin
West End Steelers - Gillis
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Currie
Cole Harbour Rockets - Conrad
Community YMCA Panthers - Stratton
Community YMCA Panthers - Nordin
Dartmouth Lakers - McIntyre
Dartmouth Lakers - Gibson
Fall River Rebels - Moore
Prospect Bulls - Fraser
Sackville Storm - Engels
North Preston Bulls - Provo
Bedford Eagles - Oldham
Bedford Eagles - Sorensen
Halifax Hurricanes - Cox
Shooting Star - Smith
West End Steelers - Trevors
West End Steelers - Feenstra
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - OConnor
Cole Harbour Rockets - McAvoy
Cole Harbour Rockets - Griffin
Cole Harbour Rockets - Mikkelsen
Bedford Eagles - Bailey
Community YMCA Panthers - Marsman
Halifax Hurricanes - Haggett
North Preston Bulls - Downey
Dartmouth Celtics - Brown
East Preston Pacers - Williams
Mainland Express - Kane
Sackville Storm - Hebert
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Daly
Cole Harbour Rockets - Comeau
Bedford Eagles - MacLeod
Community YMCA Panthers - Buckley
Dartmouth Celtics - Starr
Fall River Rebels - Hillier
Tri City Vipers - Gabriel
North Preston Bulls - Simmonds
Halifax Hurricanes - Williams
Mainland Express - Bourque
Sackville Storm - Stoilov
Cole Harbour Rockets - Harris
U10 Girls
Bedford Eagles - Roy
Bedford Eagles - Wide
Fall River Rebels - Stewart
Halifax Hurricanes - Taylor
West End Steelers - Smith
Cole Harbour Rockets - Thibault
Community YMCA Panthers - Brown
Dartmouth Lakers - MacLean
Sackville Storm - Halfyard
East Hants Tigers - Saulnier
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Ross-Hickey
Dartmouth Lakers - Stewart
Fall River Rebels - Reardon
Halifax Hurricanes - Stromberg
West End Steelers - Thibault
West End Steelers - Turcotte-Roy
Cole Harbour Rockets - McDonald
Cole Harbour Rockets - Thibodeau
Bedford Eagles - Seth
Bedford Eagles - Holder
Halifax Hurricanes - Eliasson
Mainland Express - McKinnon
Prospect Bulls - TBA
Shooting Star - Thornton
Sackville Storm - Greer
Halifax Hurricanes - Brudeski
Norwood Knights - Townsend
West End Steelers - Melanson
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Hendren
Under 12
U12 Boys
Community YMCA Panthers - Mutabaruka
Halifax Hurricanes - Nadeau
Mainland Express - Thibault
Cole Harbour Rockets - Boudreau
Axe Basketball - Tanner
North Preston Bulls - Willis
Bedford Eagles - Oldham
Community YMCA Panthers - Tolliver
Halifax Hurricanes - Balasubramanian
Sackville Storm - Hebert
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - J Mailman
Cole Harbour Rockets - Skeete
Dartmouth Lakers - Diab
Fall River Rebels - Langford
Halifax Hurricanes - ODonnell
Mainland Express - MacDonald
West End Steelers - Terrio
Cole Harbour Rockets - Lawrence
Bedford Eagles - Wiens
Dartmouth Celtics - Moores
Sackville Storm - Pothier
East Hants Tigers - Ouellette
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - S Mailman
Cole Harbour Rockets - Roberts
Fall River Rebels - Cole
Prospect Bulls - McWade
Cole Harbour Rockets - Beals
Halifax Hurricanes - ODonnell2
North Preston Bulls - Willis2
Bedford Eagles - Campbell
East Preston Pacers - Williams
Fall River Rebels - Sigut
Mainland Express - Milton
South Shore Surf - Macmillan
Sackville Storm - Taylor
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Heckert Menzies
Cole Harbour Rockets - Field
Tri City Vipers - Mcllveen
Community YMCA Panthers - Thomson
Dartmouth Lakers - States
Halifax Hurricanes - Zed
Prospect Bulls - Mouland
West End Steelers - Bowes
West End Steelers - Sherwood
Cole Harbour Rockets - Perry
Bedford Eagles - Berry
Community YMCA Panthers - Carvery
Dartmouth Lakers - Richardson
Halifax Hurricanes - Keddy
Prospect Bulls - McClement
East Hants Tigers - Marchand
Cole Harbour Rockets - Roy
Bedford Eagles - Himmelman
Fall River Rebels - Aleksandrov
Halifax Hurricanes - Cox
Mainland Express - ODonnell
Sackville Storm - Branscombe
Bedford Eagles - Livingstone
Bedford Eagles - JCampbell
Dartmouth Lakers - Mills
Shooting Star - Wells
West End Steelers - Mills
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Wasicuna
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Bertino
Cole Harbour Rockets - Douglas
Bedford Eagles - Neaves
Fall River Rebels - MacLeod
West End Steelers - LeDuc
Sackville Storm - Nasrallah
East Hants Tigers - Williams
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - MacLellan
Cole Harbour Rockets - Adderson
Cole Harbour Rockets - Bowie
Cole Harbour Rockets - Duggan
U12 Girls
Bedford Eagles - MacCallum
Dartmouth Celtics - Morash
Mainland Express - Miles
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Sieniewicz
Cole Harbour Rockets - McDonald
Bedford Eagles - Palov
Community YMCA Panthers - Young
Fall River Rebels - Moore
Halifax Hurricanes - Partridge
Shooting Star - Moore
West End Steelers - MacRae
Sackville Storm - Williams
Cole Harbour Rockets - Reid
Cole Harbour Rockets - Howard
North Preston Bulls - Smith
South Shore Surf - Veinot
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - MacNeil
Cole Harbour Rockets - Carvery
Axe Basketball - Gilley
Bedford Eagles - Wiens
Community YMCA Panthers - Buckley
Dartmouth Celtics - Turnbull
Halifax Hurricanes - Ritchie
Prospect Bulls - Grant
West End Steelers - Hall
West End Steelers - Lawrence
Sackville Storm - Parsons
Dartmouth Lakers - Kenney
Fall River Rebels - Hall
Halifax Hurricanes - Higgs
Mainland Express - Priest
West End Steelers - White
East Hants Tigers - Bianchi
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Freeze
Cole Harbour Rockets - Fisher
Cole Harbour Rockets - Browning
Bedford Eagles - Coffin
Bedford Eagles - ONeil
Fall River Rebels - Doucet
Sackville Storm - Morris
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Downing
Under 14
U14 Boys
Bedford Eagles - Allt
Community YMCA Panthers - Hampden
Cole Harbour Rockets - Thomas
North Preston Bulls - Beals
Community YMCA Panthers - Clayton
Fall River Rebels - Nobes
Halifax Hurricanes - Colpitts
South Shore Surf - West
Sackville Storm - MacDonald
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - MacEachern
Cole Harbour Rockets - Howard
Cole Harbour Rockets - Veinotte
Cole Harbour Rockets - McNeil
Axe Basketball - MacDonald
Bedford Eagles - OBrien
Dartmouth Lakers - SJohnson
Halifax Hurricanes - Schwartzentruber
Mainland Express - Sequeira
Bedford Eagles - Mullan
Prospect Bulls - Jackson
West End Steelers - Mombourquette
East Hants Tigers - Candow
Axe Basketball - Deveau
North Preston Bulls - Willis
KMBA - Sewards
Bedford Eagles - Mahmoud
Community YMCA Panthers - Locke
Dartmouth Lakers - Penney
Halifax Hurricanes - Haggett
Mainland Express - MacIsaac
Sackville Storm - Livingstone
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Boudreau
Cole Harbour Rockets - Allan
Sackville Storm - Ghazzawi
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Hashem
Cole Harbour Rockets - Carter
Cole Harbour Rockets - Etmanskie
Tri City Vipers - Gabriel
Bedford Eagles - MacLeod
Bedford Eagles - Malick
Community YMCA Panthers - Diamond
Fall River Rebels - Brien
Halifax Hurricanes - Smith
South Shore Surf - Cooper
Cole Harbour Rockets - Hanrahan
Cole Harbour Rockets - Webber
Bedford Eagles - Hughes
Dartmouth Celtics - Hope
Dartmouth Lakers - Morris
Fall River Rebels - Gibbon
Halifax Hurricanes - Hunter
West End Steelers - Legate
West End Steelers - Doepner
Sackville Storm - Brown
East Hants Tigers - Toner
Cole Harbour Rockets - Parsons
Dartmouth Lakers - AJohnston
Mainland Express - MacNeil
Prospect Bulls - Hardiman
Sackville Storm - Thompson
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Mykietiuk
Cole Harbour Rockets - Caley
Bedford Eagles - Newbould
Dartmouth Lakers - Haliburton
Halifax Hurricanes - Loppie
Mainland Express - Diggs
Mainland Express - Hamilton
Shooting Star - Smith
Sackville Storm - Bernier
East Hants Tigers - Northrup
Cole Harbour Rockets - Pero
Bedford Eagles - Shahrabi
Dartmouth Celtics - Schaus
Fall River Rebels - Khan
West End Steelers - AbiDaoud
Sackville Storm - Carpenter
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Boutilier
Cole Harbour Rockets - Warman
U14 Girls
Bedford Eagles - Higgins
Community YMCA Panthers - Cain
Dartmouth Celtics - Pellerin
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Quinn
Cole Harbour Rockets - Gray
Axe Basketball - Lockhart
Bedford Eagles - LaiFatt
Fall River Rebels - Mullane
Halifax Hurricanes - Seviour
South Shore Surf - Mason
West End Steelers - Jackson
Sackville Storm - MacInnis
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Diepenveen
Cole Harbour Rockets - Steiner
Bedford Eagles - Syrtash
Community YMCA Panthers - Leahy
Dartmouth Celtics - Morash
Halifax Hurricanes - Nicholson
Mainland Express - Stewart
Prospect Bulls - Clyke
Shooting Star - Naime
West End Steelers - Ward
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Parker
Cole Harbour Rockets - Parker
Axe Basketball - Farias Martinez
Tri City Vipers - Hurst
Bedford Eagles - McCloskey
Fall River Rebels - Van Horne
Halifax Hurricanes - Partridge
West End Steelers - Hall
St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Moyse
Cole Harbour Rockets - Bourque
KMBA - Berry
Bedford Eagles - Nalepa
Dartmouth Celtics - Crowe
Halifax Hurricanes - Wilson
Mainland Express - Himmelman
Prospect Bulls - Nolan
South Shore Surf - Miller
Fall River Rebels - Atkinson
West End Steelers - Trevors
Sackville Storm - Lucas
East Hants Tigers - Trotter
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Nicolle
Cole Harbour Rockets - Marchand
Cole Harbour Rockets - Bowie
Under 16
U16 Boys
Community YMCA Panthers - Paris
East Hants Tigers - MacDonald
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Brunt
Cole Harbour Rockets - Thomas
Valley Piranha - Wilson
Bedford Eagles - Vos
East Preston Pacers - Colley
Community YMCA Panthers - Sparks
Community YMCA Panthers - McCutcheon
Halifax Hurricanes - Liu
Mainland Express - Widmeyer
Norwood Knights - Savage
South Shore Surf - Matthews
West End Steelers - Gagne
Axe Basketball - Veinot
Bedford Eagles - Taylor
North Preston Bulls - Glasgow
Dartmouth Lakers - Njeim
Fall River Rebels - Strickey
Prospect Bulls - Buchan
West End Steelers - Matwawana
Sackville Storm - Lucas
Cole Harbour Rockets - Beals
Cole Harbour Rockets - Bonaparte
Tri City Vipers - Haggett
Tri City Vipers - Gabriel
Community YMCA Panthers - Torbarcioglu
Fall River Rebels - Ward
Halifax Hurricanes - Merlin
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Davis
Cole Harbour Rockets - Bundy
Cole Harbour Rockets - Cain
Cole Harbour Rockets - Allan
Axe Basketball - Morton
North Preston Bulls - Thomas
Bedford Eagles - Hammoud
Mainland Express - MacDonald
West End Steelers - Richards
Sackville Storm - Bell
East Hants Tigers - Seitl
Cole Harbour Rockets - Hanrahan
Valley Piranha - Cox
Bedford Eagles - Kenney
Dartmouth Lakers - Bowes
Fall River Rebels - Jamieson
Mainland Express - Francis
Prospect Bulls - McLeod
Shooting Star - Arthur
Sackville Storm - Crawley
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Coleman
Cole Harbour Rockets - Anstey
Bedford Eagles - BMacDonald
Bedford Eagles - Rankin
Fall River Rebels - McAllister
Mainland Express - MacLellan
West End Steelers - Joyce
Sackville Storm - Fletcher
East Hants Tigers - Cejpa
Cole Harbour Rockets - Murray
Bedford Eagles - ColinTaylor
U16-18 Girls
Dartmouth Celtics - Moores
Halifax Hurricanes - Dockrill
West End Steelers - Flynn
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Burke
Cole Harbour Rockets - Sheppard
North Preston Bulls - Glasgow
Bedford Eagles - Allt
Dartmouth Celtics - Rankine
Dartmouth Lakers - Day
Fall River Rebels - Cameron
Halifax Hurricanes - Lynch
Prospect Bulls - Ryan
South Shore Surf - Lohnes
West End Steelers - Hope
East Hants Tigers - Horne
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Johannesson
Fall River Rebels - King
Halifax Hurricanes - Daaboul
West End Steelers - Tobin
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Hutchison
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Stevens
Cole Harbour Rockets - Lavers
Bedford Eagles - Publicover
Bedford Eagles - Bourgeois
East Preston Pacers - Slawter
Prospect Bulls - Marryatt
Cole Harbour Rockets - Ingram
Bedford Eagles - Taylor
Under 18
U18 Boys
Dartmouth Lakers - Ladovich
Fall River Rebels - Burns
West End Steelers - Barton
St. Margarets Bay Slam - Warnica
Tri City Vipers - Gabriel
Bedford Eagles - Taylor
Cole Harbour Rockets - Thomas
Halifax Hurricanes - Mclean
West End Steelers - TBA2
Sackville Storm - Mouharemis
Axe Basketball - Cottrell
Bedford Eagles - Tomar
Cole Harbour Rockets - Berkman
Cole Harbour Rockets - Fryc
U16 Boys - St. Margarets Bay SLAM - Dosman
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