Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How are the referees going to call zone defences?

The easiest explanation for both coaches and officials are provided in our four part video series. This can be found at the following link:

What is the minimum number of players required to play a game + shifts?

FIBA requires a team to have 5 players present in order to start a game, this will be the case for all divisions in the MBA, except U10 which require 4 players to start a game. The MBA requires teams in U10 Developmental and U12 to have 6 and 8 players (respectively) before starting play in the 5th shift. If a team does not have 6 players in U10 Developmental or 8 players in U12 before starting play in the 5th shift the game will be ruled a default, however, the teams will still play, the referees with still officiate the game and the scorer will still score the game.

How do I reschedule a game?

Game Rescheduling id broken down into 4 categories:
1. Changing a game time or location with the same date
2. Changing a game to an alternate date
3. Changing a date, time or location for play-offs
4. Changing a date during the first three week alignment period

1. To change a game time or location on the same date: The coach looking to make the change must first:
- Contact the coach of the team they are scheduled to play whom must agree to the change
- Contact the other two coaches, the pending change would affect and get both teams approval for the change
- If you get this far, the coach asking for the change should contact the league scheduler by e-mail with the other three coaches cc'ed and ask for approval for the change. Change can be made as long as all teams involved agree.

2. To change a game to an alternate date:
- Requests for such changes must be made no less then thirty (30) days prior to the date of the game
- Requests must be submitted to the request form, click here.

3. No schedule changes will be for play-offs

4. No schedule date changes will be made for the first three weeks of play which are used for alignment

What is the leagues policy on inclement weather?

Generally, the league will not cancel games due to bad weather unless in very severe weather.

If a storm does cause cancellation then the League Manager for the Association will make that decision along with the President of the league, post to the web site starting at 6:30am, e-mail all contacts in the MBA by e-mail and inform the club presidents who have will also have the responsibility for contacting all coaches in their clubs to make sure they received the message.

The executive want to make it totally clear; the ultimate decision for travel on days of inclement weather is that of the parents, we realize it is only a game. However in many cases that are borderline, we are charged for the rentals, the referees, the scorers and do not get this refunded, thus our reluctance to cancel based on forcasts, your decision is based on other factors and is ultimately the final decision.

In cases of inclement weather and games are not cancelled, teams who decide not to travel for their games will not be penalized with a loss or default. Out of courtesy please reach out to the league manager and opposing coach (if you have their contact info) to notify them.

How do I register a new team or club in the league?

Guidelines for the Admission of New Club Members
1. These guidelines set out the process for clubs to request membership in the MBA. They may be updated from time to time based on the capacity of MBA to accept new Club Members. Admission to the MBA as a Club Member is not automatic upon fulfilling the application requirements listed below, but rather is subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors of the MBA.

2. The MBA is not accepting applications for new Club Members for the 2022-23 season.

3. The following are the minimum criteria for applying for to be a Club Member in the MBA:
a. The primary practice facility for new clubs must be within a 1.5 hour drive of the Armdale Roundabout;
b. New clubs must provide a letter requesting admission as a new club and supporting documents, which include the following:
i. a commitment to register a minimum of 4 teams, two of which must be the U10 and/or U12 levels;
ii. commit to playing all regular season and play-off games in the HRM area;
iii. submit rosters for each team to be registered, and those rosters shall not include any players who have played on the roster of another club with the MBA in the prior two season;
iv. submit their application for Club Membership at least 7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting of the MBA;

4. The League Manager shall review all applications for new club membership and confirm that all required information is included. In the event the application is not complete the League Manager shall return the application with a message explaining why the application did not meet the requirements set out in these Guidelines.

5. When a completed application is received within the required time period, the application will be considered by the Board of Directors, and the applicant will be informed of the decision within a reasonable time period.

6. Current Club Members are permitted to merge into a larger club upon written notice to the Board of Directors of the MBA.

7. A current Club Member is permitted to split into more than one club upon approval of the MBA. These decisions will be made on a case by case basis, and the Club Member in question will provide information as reasonably requested by the MBA in order for the MBA to ensure that the division of the Club Member is in the overall best interests of the MBA.

What is the purpose of division alignment?

The purpose of alignment is to ensure the majority of kids who play in the MBA have the opportunity to compete and have fun, while playing in a balanced division (as possible). Our goal is that all teams will be competitive in 50% of the games they play.

What are the age categories in the MBA?

The league is broken up into the following age categories which male and female teams at each of the categories:

Under 10 - a player must not have reached the age of 10 prior to January 1st of the current season.

Under 12 - a player must not have reached the age of 12 prior to January 1st of the current season.

Under 14 - a player must not have reached the age of 14 prior to January 1st of the current season

Under 16 - a player must not have reached the age of 16 prior to January 1st of the current season

Under 18 - a player must not have reached the age of 18 prior to January 1st of the current season

Note: The term "current season shall be defined as the normal period of operation for the MBA extending from September of one year until May of the following year.

How do call-up players work?

Call-up players may be used when teams know they will be short players from their registered roster on any given week. Teams who will be in a position to default a game will be permitted to call-up players from a lower division or age category from within their club. The following rules apply:

- In U10 and U12 a team may call up enough players to bring the roster size for the game to ten (10).
- In U14, U16 and U18 a team may call up enough players to bring the roster size for the game to eight (8).
- A player may be called up twice to the same team, upon playing the third game with the same team they will remain on the higher level teams roster for the remainder of the season

Who can play/coach in MBA sanctioned games?

Only those players and coaches listed on the teams roster are permitted to be on the bench during a game. Clubs have three weeks to finalize their playing rosters, after which time the rosters will become locked. After this period of time players cannot be added to a roster (unless extenuating circumstances, which must be approved by the executive). Clubs can add coaching staff to rosters after this time but must be done through the league manager.

Call-up players will not necessarily show up on a teams roster, this is ok. Teams using call-up players must advise scorekeeper prior to the start of the game. After the conclusion of the 3rd week only players & coaches who appear on a roster and call-up players may play. If a name is missing from a roster the person may not participate NO EXCEPTIONS.

How are referee issues addressed?

If coaches or parents have concerns with the officiating in their games they must reach out to their club representative. If the club deeps the complaint to be legit they may choose to bring it to the leagues attention.

We welcome any positive comments on the officiating of games as well!


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